
Randall B. Kemp

Randall B. Kemp, professional Information Steward for over 29 years. The Information Steward mindset is the practice of stewarding information and habits in a people-first, collaborative posture towards shared outcomes. Read more about me below, About the Info Steward website further down the page, browse my CV, or explore my Vocational Philosophy brief, where I expand on the mindset of stewarding information.

Head shot of Randall Kemp taken outside with trees and mountains in the background.
Randall B. Kemp


  • Strategic Planning: Co-develop effective strategies based on desired outcomes
  • Program Evaluation: Review programs and projects in light of intended outcomes
  • Research: Desk, academic, survey, business
  • Information Organization: Ordering the chaos of data collection
  • Project Management: Overseeing tasks, timelines, and people
  • Community Development: Connecting people and purposeful causes
  • Active Listening: Intentionally open ears
  • Grant Writing and Administration: Author successful proposals and manage grant-making


  • a listener who asks probing questions and ingests the responses
  • information organizer gathering data with intentionality who can see patterns in the chaos
  • discerning, strategic, analytical, synthesizer


  • information steward, information curator, librarian, knowledge manager
  • strategy development and refinement
  • program evaluator
  • researcher, writer, teacher
  • project manager
  • grants manager
  • system admin, database admin, web developer
  • multi-day adventure trip designer and guide

I work with and for nonprofits/NGOs, foundations, academic institutions, government entities, and global networks. Learn about some of those clients and funders as well as projects.

In addition to the roles and positions listed above and on my CV/resume (LinkedIn profile), I am a husband, father of two, an outdoorsman, and a seeker of wisdom.

As a consultant, researcher, student, and volunteer I have traveled abroad extensively for research, consultations, conferences, and meetings (often in multiple languages with translation). These locations include cities in...

  • Africa: Cape Town, Dar es-Salaam, Johannesburg, Nairobi, Tunis
  • The Americas: Bogotá, Brasilia, Mexico City, Ottawa, San José, Santiago, Toronto
  • Europe: Amsterdam, Berlin, Delft, Dublin, London, Madrid, Munich, Paris, Salzburg
  • Asia/Australia: Melbourne, born in Manila

Fields of Interest

  • justice and equity for those encumbered with an imbalance such as power, wealth, income, race, etc.; includes women/girls, refugees, asylum seekers, migrants, stateless, minorities, etc.
  • intersection of information organization, international relations, global networks, international organizations, information society, technology, higher education
  • Indigenous, local knowledge
  • climate change impact, infectious disease, food sovereignty; land tenure and commons
  • meta philosophical life questions, spirituality

I also enjoy taking pictures, playing the bass guitar, reading, backpacking, hiking, biking, and watching football (soccer) and movies.

About the Info Steward Website

This Info Steward website also collects a set of musings and resources. These knowledge assets address the intersection of ideas at the People-Information-Habits nexus. The intended audiences for these resources include:

  • Facilitator of international, multi-stakeholder initiatives shepherding knowledge, learning, activities, outputs, outcomes, decisions, strategy
  • Strategy thinker and implementer
  • Executive Director of a nonprofit
  • Academic Provost of a college
  • Program Officer at a foundation
  • Knowledge manager, librarian, archivist, data scientist, learning professional
  • Observer of misaligned organizational resources
  • Journalist covering organizational strategy, information management, teams
  • In general, a leader who seeks insight into Information Steward concepts and practices